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Planning Board Minutes 08/03/2006

(603) 798-4350

AUGUST 3, 2006

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Joanna McIntosh, Fred Ruoff, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, David Kenneally, Mike Paveglio and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chaivman Towle introduced the members of the Board and requested that they review the minutes of July 6 and July 20, 2006.

The following changes were made to July 20, 2006 minutes:  Mike Paveglio was present at the meeting and Brad Towle made the motion to adjourn and Joanna McIntosh, seconded the motion.

Motion was made to accept the July 20, 2006 minutes with the changes.

                Paveglio/Brehm                  (Passed)

The following changes were made to the July 6, 2006 minutes:

2nd page last paragraph first line; place a comma after the word “contaminated” add the word “being” after culvert and replace the word “to” with “causing”.
3rd sentence add the word “of” between signs and deterioration.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the changes.

                Jameson/McIntosh                        (Passed)

Chairman Towle reviewed the items on the agenda and inquired if there was anyone in the audience that may have thought they were to be on the agenda. There were no items omitted from the agenda.

Chairman Towle informed the general audience that the meeting was being taped for the secretary’s use only to compile the minutes and were not kept.

DESIGN REVIEW/  David Hartley
PUBLIC HEARING: Twin Harts Realty Trust
        Expansion of Business
Continued from July 6, 2006     Blueberry Hill Plaza
        Map 9, Lot 91A, Suncook Valley Road

Did not attend. Letter to be sent.

PUBLIC HEARING: Chichester Congregational Church
        Site Review – New Building,
        Parking and driveway
Continued from July 6, 2006     Map 5, lot 2, Main Street

No abutters present.

Marc Vanson presented the final plans to the Board for review. The Board has also been given the review from the acting town engineer on the drainage report.

There will be a larger paved driveway apron on the south side of the church. Note #6 has been added to the plan. The road beside the library will be renamed on the plan as “Unnamed Town Road” The 8 inch plate for the detention pond has been installed and the issue with the library well has been resolved with the selectmen.

The parking and driveway areas that will not be paved needs to be a non tracking material. On the locust map Cross Road needs to be changed to Kara Drive, one of the ponds is named incorrectly. The other concerns of the Board have been reviewed and remedied.

Setbacks and permanent location of the trailer for storage need to be placed back on the plan.

Motion was made accept the proposal with the following items:

Trailer location
Cross Road to Kara Drive on Locust map
Change small Pound Road between library and proposal to Unnamed Town Road
Lumination Plan

        Paveglio/Jameson                (Passed)

        Map 3, Lots  84-1 and 84-2,  
        Harvest & King Road

Abutters present: Denice Noel & Tom Brouillet

Mr. Skosusko presented plans to the Board and explained that the state subdivision application and dredge & fill application have been filed and are pending. The deeds for the drainage easements were never transferred and Mr. DePalma is willing to transfer as soon as the subdivision is approved. The Road Agent will go to the site and look for the culvert in question. A copy of the dredge and fill plan was briefly reviewed by David Kenneally and he will check the actual road culvert to make sure there will be no issues.

The Board requested that the final plat show the final proposed lots.

Richard DeBold reviewed the application for completeness and concludes that it is complete.

Motion was made to accept the application for this subdivision as complete.

        Brehm/Paveglio          (Passed)

        Map 3, Lots  84-1 and 84-2,  
        Harvest & King Road

Abutters: Denice Noel & Tom Brouillet

Mr. Brouillet as an abutter was concerned with where the house and driveway will be located. The Chairman explained that this Board does not tell a property owner where he must build his house. Mr. Skosusko explained the area that the house could be built would probably not be visible from Mr. Brouillet’s existing home.

Motion was made to accept the proposal with state approval numbers for septic, dredge & fill and issues resolved concerning culverts and drainage easements.

        Brehm/Paveglio                  (Passed)

DISCUSSION:     William & Sandy Boulanger
        Elderly Housing
        Map 3, Lot 121, Canterbury Road

Mr. Boulanger presented the Board with a drawing of a piece of property that he would like to develop and wanted the Board to give him direction as to what he can do with the property. The property is 28 acres and he would like to build elderly housing units.

Chairman Towle explained that the elderly housing within our zoning is in the Open Space Conservation Development and the criteria is listed within that section and he should take a look and see if his property could meet the criteria and fit his needs. He also needed to be aware that there is Commercial Village District property in the back and there are specifics on the use for that also.

DISCUSSION:     Eddie Watson
        Site Review – multi use
        Map 3, Lot 22-1, Dover Road

Mr. Watson did not attend the meeting, however plans and checklist were dropped off for review and his being on the agenda the Board briefly reviewed the plans and sent the checklist off for review by Mr. DeBold. One item for closer review is the wash bay.


New CIP letters will be going out the middle of August all departments will be required to file a CIP.

After much discussion and review the Board has narrowed their recommendation to the Selectmen for town engineer down to Brown Engineering and CLD Engineering. The Board is recommending CLD for a six month trial with a review with the Selectmen in six months.

Policies and procedures were reviewed and a motion was made to send to the town attorney for review.

        Pavegelio/Brehm         (Passed)

Letter to the Selectmen on need of another alternate member and a selectman’s alternate to fill in when the ex-officio is unavailable.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Jameson/Brehm           (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:10pm

                Respectfully submitted,

                Brad Towle